Bonnie McDaniel's


It’s A Planting Party

  Anything worth doing is worth celebrating! And there is nothing better than an afternoon spent with girlfriends planting your spring garden. This idea is very similar to the old paint parties with a different focus in mind. Planting parties are a great way to get motivated to finally get that gardening project completed and because it is a group effort, the project will get done in record time. Here are a few tips to pull it all together. 1...

A Cupboard Do-Over!

Nothing beats a failed attempt like a fresh start! If you are like so many people who began the year strong only to fall short in your attempt to live healthier, remember it is as easy as starting again. And the most logical place to get everything back on track is to take a look at what you have in your refrigerator and cupboards. The idea is to stock in your favor! Here are some easy tips: 1. Do a...

The Ultimate Kitchen Garden

As a woman who absolutely loves to cook, there is nothing more satisfying than walking among rows of fresh vegetables and herbs in my own garden in search of what to put on the table for dinner. There is also no better way to get the freshest produce possible than to grow it myself. Fresh vegetables and herbs are the secrets around our house to the delectable dishes that I create for both my work and for the enjoyment of family...

Seared Scallops with Mixed Salad Greens

Springtime is one of my favorite times of the year; perfect for harvesting the first of the cool weather salad greens.  I especially love this recipe, because not only is it delicious, but it is also a great way to keep the calories in check as you work to get ready for swimsuit weather. Ingredients: 1 pound Sea Scallops Garlic infused olive oil Kosher Salt Fresh Ground Black Pepper Technique: Instructions: Preheat oven to 375-degrees. Prepare scallops by making sure they...

Kale Salad

I love kale! This amazing superfood is at its delicious-best when eaten raw. And what a better way to dress it up than to create a salad filled with wonderful additions to make your tastebuds burst with delight. For lunch you can load it up with other vegetables like avocado, shaved brussel sprouts and cucumber. And to make it even more robust and flavorful, add things like pomegranate, apple, grapes and toasted nuts. When in the mood for a satisfying...

Making it Home!

  Where your heart lies is your home! Eighteen years ago I meandered up a long uneven walkway which led to a door that was hidden by boxwoods and vines that had grown well beyond what had been originally intended. Never in my life had I seen anything like it; it was as though the house had literally been swallowed up by the passing of time. What occurred to me too was at a certain period in time, this stately...

Change for Good

Change is rarely welcome, but in order to grow, it is almost always necessary! I was speaking with a friend recently who had finally left a position that she had held for many years. I had lived with her through the numerous challenges and watched as she endured what the average person would never have had the fortitude to withstand. What was interesting was although she is now in a better place, she misses the dysfunction of where she spent...

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