
August 19, 2024

So often I am asked how did I arrive at the place where I am today. In most cases they are referring to my garden. The truth is it has taken many years of cultivating this garden; one bed at a time. There were seasons when I planted and it did not turn out the way I had imagined it in my head. And then there were those seasons when everything I touched flourished beyond my wildest dreams.

This brings me to the subject of commitment. When I think about one of the most valuable lessons I have learned over the years while building this urban farm, commitment is perhaps the greatest. You see if I know nothing else, I know this. Without commitment, nothing happens. Ideas are just that, ideas. Dreams are just that, visions of what is possible, but it continues to be a dream until you make a commitment, and then, do the work.

There are no shortcuts to realizing a dream. Whether it is creating a beautiful garden or building that business that has been haunting you for far too many years.

Over the past couple of years I have allowed myself to become distracted from what was and is my commitment to share the gifts of what is essentially my understanding of what is good living through publishing here on my blog. Most often I am dissuaded because it is my belief that the last thing any of us want is for another person preaching to us about how we should live our lives. For me, that is not my calling. What is my calling however, is to live in a manner that anyone who happens my way can be inspired by what I do. Whether planting in my garden, practicing my art, creating gardens for clients or cooking up a new recipe, it is my hope that you will be encouraged to live your own beautiful life in a way that in turn will also inspire people around you.

So, as I enter this new chapter, I ask for your patience as I recommit to doing what I have been called to do. There is so much I want to share and I do hope that it will add something meaningful to your lives. I also ask you to please share what you would like to see more of here. We are all traveling different journeys, but what I do know for sure is that at our very core, we all want pretty much the same. To feel safe, provide for our families, feel at peace with our neighbors and live a life that is good. So what do you say we do this together. All it takes is a commitment. I am counting on you.

Because life should be good. How good is that…



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