There are treasures to be found digging in the dirt and these are absolute gems:
Vision – What is conceived in the mind’s eye can indeed be achieved. Do not erect barriers simply because it seems too hard to do. Instead, set your sights on the most amazing image of what beauty looks like and then tackle it, one challenge at a time.
Commitment – vision + hard work equals beautiful results. You have to be willing to put in the time in order to reap the reward. Only commit to what you are either capable of or willing to do. The most effective way to encourage oneself is to achieve success in the small things. Remember, you can always expand your reach once you have tackled what is in front of you.
Perseverance – when success does not happen with the first attempt; try, try, try again! Learn from your mistakes and remember, never, ever repeat them. One thing is certain, if you don’t give up, you will reach your goal.
Patience – Experienced gardeners know that it is a process and that anything worth having is worth waiting for. When you have done everything you are supposed to do, you have done enough. Allow the universe to bring into order what you have set into motion. The key is to wait in expectation, knowing that what you have sown will come to fruition.
Faith – nothing happens without a belief that it can. Think about it. You dig a hole, drop in a few seeds and viola-FOOD! There is nothing evident that a seed or seedling will produce food other than a photograph on the package says that it will. Do not worry if those around you can’t catch the vision. As long as you believe, that is all that matters.
Pay it forward – when you plant a field, plant enough for you and then a little extra for rabbits and the neighbors. This is the universal law of reciprocity! The earth gives to you and you share with others. It is a great rule to live by and what is interesting too is everyone around you gets a vision of what good living should look like.
Focus – the guaranteed way to hit a target is to set your sights on the direction and never let it out of your sight. Plain and simple, without focus, nothing can be achieved!
Beauty in Imperfection – in life, in order to be successful, remember to not strive for perfection, but rather work to achieve the highest value. And this value comes through repeated trial and error. What is interesting is that which appears perfect is very often fragility woven together by very weak threads. You may not be able to detect it by looking at the surface, but if you examine up close you will discover that untouched very often means untested.
Happy Gardening!
Because life should be good! How good is that…..