From the editor...
Wake Up!

Recently I was staring out my kitchen window and like every year around this time, I observed the tops of the daffodils in my garden that were just beginning to poke their heads through the frozen earth after a long winter slumber. Although it was still quite cold outside, miraculously they knew that despite the conditions, it was time to wake up and greet the new season.
This occasion reminded me of where so many of us currently find ourselves after a long economic and emotional slumber and have continued to nest there over the past several months. Unfortunately, for hundreds of thousands of people, it has not been months but years as they hope and contemplate the arrival of their new and prosperous season.
The funny thing about slumber is it is really designed as a source of rest in order to rejuvenate and grow something new and was therefore never intended as a state of permanent being. And even funnier is if you slumber too long, what was intended as a method of rejuvenation, will quickly become your demise.
What I have learned over the years is that one of the most difficult parts of waking up is having the desire to be awake. Many of us get up each day and conduct our lives as though we are the walking dead. We are not engaged, although physically awake, and each day we hand over the power that is ours to grow and flourish despite the conditions we find ourselves in.
And no, I have not been asleep under a rock, and yes, I know that there are some who are dealing with some very serious stuff. I know because I was at one time, one of them. But when you find yourself with stuff that you don’t want, you must make a critical decision to either nest in your stuff or build yourself another nest. And, sometimes that may mean taking the stuff that has been castoff by someone else and putting your spin on it and turning it into something amazing.
One of my personal goals is to continue building and growing the little nests that are placed before me each day and to encourage you along the way. I am constantly exploring ways to reach an even larger audience to share what I know to be life’s endless possibilities. And the latest development on that front is becoming the new host of ION’s Metro Magazine weekly television show that will air on WPXW in the DC market. What is even more exciting is that although this is a regional show (covering DC, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia), the ability to re-broadcast the shows on the web will give us a global reach and presence. My reaction to this, WOW, HOW GOOD IS THAT...
I ask that you join us as we begin this new journey with the merging of Recipes for Good Living Magazine and Metro Magazine with Bonnie McDaniel on the ION Network. And please visit our television website and share your ideas with us. The address is You will be able to find air dates and other pertinent information. If you miss an episode, remember you can view it on the magazine or television website. Also, remember to “like” the television FB page for frequent updates on the show at
It is for sure a new season. And like the daffodils that each year, that despite the conditions, manage to fight their way through the hard, cold earth, we too must garner the strength and energy to positively greet the amazing possibilities and the promises that lie ahead.