From the editor...
Dream On
The greatest gift ever given to mankind is the ability to dream! Dreams are the difference between having an idea and achieving what is possible.

There is a tragedy that occurs when a person loses his or her ability to dream. It is even more tragic when you are in a place where you are not even aware of the fact that dreaming is an option.
Dreams are the seeds of faith that causes a person to believe that they can change the world just by seeing the change in their minds and then having the courage to live it as though it were true. There is something very interesting about people who are dreamers, for not only do they conceive of an idea but they have the ability to visualize all of the details long before it happens. I know this because I am a dreamer. My husband has often stated that many people dream in black in white, but when referring to me, he states that I have the ability to dream in Technicolor. I am not sure whether this ability is something you are born with or if it is something you develop over the years.
How a person becomes a dreamer is perhaps unknown but, I have a theory. Just as when you are planting a garden you begin by creating fertile ground, it is important for potential dreamers to create an environment that will encourage the possibilities of dreams.
And how do you do that? First, by developing the ability to listen and observe all of the detail around you. Too many people go through each day who never hear nor observe all of the wonderful details of living a good life because they are too busy rushing to the next big assignment. Details are not something you can comprehend if you are moving too fast. It requires you to live in each moment and to ask the questions of what beauty is there for you to see while you are there. It means that although you might be in a season of difficulty in your life or you find your life to be mundane, you must seek the possibilities that are present even in those spaces.
Secondly, in order to become a dreamer you have to feed your dreams. And how do you do that? By becoming an authority in whatever space you plan to occupy. For example, if you want to own a restaurant, you must first learn how to cook. While dining at a restaurant with a colleague recently she shared with the waitress, who was planning to open a bakery, the fact that I had been the owner of a bakery. She asked what advice I could give her and rather than answer the question I asked her if she knew how to bake and her answer of no was puzzling to me. That is not to say that people don’t buy their way into businesses with which they have no prior experience or knowledge every day. But I would venture to say that their chances of succeeding are diminished when they have no point of reference as to what their business can become.
Dreams are not fantasies. They are instead the framework around which the possibilities of one’s life can be realized.
Dreaming requires seeing life not for what it is but rather embracing it for what it can become. You have to occupy the places you are sent as though you own them even during those moments when you are not sure why you are there. And the key to owning that space is to show up prepared.
Life is amazing. We never know what adventure awaits us just over the next horizon. We can be certain though that it will be our greatest adventure however, if we allow ourselves to dream.