From the editor...
The Journey

The joy of the journey is not in where you are headed but rather in what you do along the way.
I often think back on the numerous road trips taken with my children while they were growing up and inevitably I remember something that makes me smile. You see, each of my children had their own issues when it came to taking long car trips. In addition to the “are we there yet question”, every other mile, there was the issue with my son for instance, who needed to stop every hour on the hour because he had to throw up as a result of being car sick from staring out the car window. And then there was my daughter who I think was born with her own set of wings because when it comes to travel, for her, flying is the only way to go. It is interesting recalling those trips now that they are both young adults, because in more instances than none, it is not the places we journeyed to that conjures up such memories but rather what happened along the way.
I remember the stops at the state welcome centers to gather information about its history and the games we played of memorizing the facts and the rewards given when they followed through. And we all laugh when we recall the Motown moments when I would sing along with the radio, pretending to be Diana Ross or Tina Turner, which never failed to keep them amused. We recall with special fondness their father who always played the straight man while I hosted what he referred to as the family silly hour.
In planning for those long road trips it was important to think about each of my children and what things they might find interesting or pleasurable in order to detract from the boredom of watching the miles and miles of white lines on pavement, while we journeyed to our destination. I had to remember that it was not the destination that was important, but rather all the special memories that we were creating along the way.
Each of us is on our way somewhere; some of us to destinations more fascinating than others. The question is, what meaningful things are you planning to do along the way? The thing about journeys is the fact that as much as we try to plan every detail, ultimately something unexpected and very often undesired has a way of cropping up when we least expect it to appear. You cannot avoid the unexpected or unpleasant things in life, but you can adopt an attitude that says, no matter what happens you will find joy along the way.
As we celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Recipes for Good Living Magazine, I am reminded of the many wonderful connections I have made with people who understand the importance of living “good” each and every day. The journey thus far has been tumultuous at times but the joy has come in knowing that it is through these experiences that we attain the best of what life has to offer as we make our way to our destination. I am constantly reminded that as much as I share my knowledge of good living, it is as important that I live the example for my readers to see.
This magazine has grown beyond anything I could have imagined and when I think about the fact that it has all happened in just twenty-four short months, it simply takes my breath away. There is so much more that I wish to accomplish, but, I am also reminded that Rome was not built in a day. I must remember to pace myself and take things one day, one issue at a time.
As we enter year three I petition your prayers and your input as we continue to change the world one recipe for good living at a time. Blessings to you and yours as we journey on!