Family Makeover Challenge

What’s In the Kitchen?

It is month two and our family is making amazing strides in their quest to eat and live healthier lifestyles. I must admit that from the beginning this family has been committed to this effort and so with the exception of some basic information they have taken control in the areas that have been laid out for their makeover.

To get them started and for anyone who is looking to make a change, the first and foremost thing needed is to re-do your kitchen cupboards, freezer and refrigerator. We began by taking an inventory of everything that this family had in their kitchen and talked about healthy alternatives or substitutions. The main focus of this exercise which was a one on one with the father and husband of the family, was to pay attention to what they are eating and by that I mean “read and understand” food labels.

In the next installment we will discuss our plan for increasing their activity. Stay tuned...

Here is what we found:




Our recommendations:


