Good Books
Karen Schacter, contributing editor (

Book and Website Review: Super Sprowtz

Zach Zucchini and Erica Eggplant are just two of the new superheroes on the block in an adorable new website and book series which helps children learn about healthy eating in a fun and playful way! It’s like nutrition education meets the Muppets, and it is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters!

On the engaging website, kids can watch the veggie puppets dance and sing (my favorite is “All the Veggie Ladies”), and can even click on each of the heroes, one at a time, and learn about their superpowers. Click on Suzy Sweetpea and you’ll hear her talk about her super-speed. Click on Zach Zucchini, and you’ll learn that he’s a super-swimmer. And click on Sammy Spinach — my personal favorite — and you’ll hear Sammy (and his human friends) tell you to breathe and even guide your children in a yoga class!

Some of the heroes have even made it into print! There are 4 books, including: The Super Sprowtz Board Book; Meet The Super Sprowtz; I am Brian Broccoli and I am Super Strong; and I am Erica Eggplant and I am Super Smart.

Each book is not only written to introduce kids to vegetables and get them to “make friends” with these heroes, but also has a section for parents at the back, which includes a recipe and other helpful information so you can continue the conversation with your children.

But wait! There can’t be heroes without villains, can there? Pompous pollution, Processa the Processed Queen, Junk, and Grease are the 4 evil villains, and they must be overcome! Click on each one and learn why they each distract from your health and wellbeing.

Kudos to the creators of this fun, engaging and smart website dedicated to improving our children’s health!

To check out for an entertaining learning experience!