Know Your Ingredients

January is a great time to restock the cupboards with kitchen basics. After the holidays manufacturers are anxious to avoid the post- holiday slump and offer great bargains on all kinds of staples for your cupboard. And since you are probably running low on a number of items, why not take advantage of the savings.

In order to cut down on the time spent hunting down bargains you can use a few shortcuts to get you there. There are a number of online coupon offers or visit your supermarket’s website for a list of specials. Many of these offers can also be sent directly to you via email by simply signing up.

To make sure you don’t miss the boat, here are a few tips to help you organize:

  1. Take an inventory of items that are running low in your cupboard and make a shopping list.
  2. Add to your list, new items that you may want to try that are on sale. Manufacturers will frequently run specials on new introductions during this time of the year so keep your eyes open.
  3. Keep your eyes open for free samples being offered. These offers are very often for full-sized product so don’t ignore the offers. Remember manufacturers need your business and one of the easiest ways to make you a customer is by having you try their products.
  4. Visit food warehouses such as BJ’s, Costco or Sam’s to check out new product introductions at deep discounts. Be careful not to buy items that you cannot use within a reasonable amount of time. Remember it is not a bargain if it winds up in the trash.
  5. If your family is small, consider splitting a large purchase with another family.
  6. Be sure to eat before going to the market. This will save your waistline and your budget.
  7. Leave the kids with a babysitter if possible. This is serious work and you don’t want the distraction.
  8. As always, read the labels carefully. Manufacturers are becoming more and more creative in the area of packaging (more money for less product), ingredient substitutions and making nutritional claims that are, let’s say, stretching the truth.
  9. Be careful to store your purchases properly. Do not ignore instructions for storage recommendations. Your purchases will last longer and provide the results you expect.
  10. Enjoy!