The Cupboard

So, the first order of business for this month is to make certain you cleared your cupboard of old or expired ingredients and stocked up using our shopping list from the September issue.

As with anything, this is a building process, but once you make this a part of your routine, what you will discover is your food bill will decrease and your meals are going to be a lot more healthy and appetizing.

In the last issue we focused on the cupboard basics. Beginning with this issue we will delve more into good ingredients within those categories. When possible I will make recommendations of specific brands to you thereby cutting down on costly purchasing mistakes and to help you spend time in the kitchen rather than the aisles if the supermarket. This month we will take a closer look at other staples that are good to keep in your cupboard and in the refrigerator. And remember to always READ THE LABELS!

So pull out your shopping list and let’s go shopping!

Shopping List