Breaking for Quality Time
Patrice Jones, contributing editor
There’s nothing like the smile on a child’s face or the warmth felt during a family outing or gathering. When we can relax and let go with the ones we love, it creates a safety net and an escape from all of our day to day stress. If we sit back and think of the times we’re the least overwhelmed and the most relaxed, it’s usually when we’re alone or with our children, significant other, or spouse, or extended families. Find ways to cultivate these opportunities to spend quality time.
It’s no secret that the impact of product and service inflation has affected ALL of us in some form or another. When we think of spending quality time, most of us think “How am I going to pay for that?” There are many ways that we can spend time WITHOUT actually ‘spending’ significant amounts of money. Here are a few frugal ways you can take a break from the hustle and bustle, while enjoying the many joys of life:
- Parks: We live such structured lives, where everything must have order and purpose. For just a few hours, be UNSTRUCTURED! Let the kids run through the park and express themselves freely. You can pack healthy snacks; bring a blanket and a good book. Join in on the fun with them OR read while they enjoy themselves.
- Free concert and activities: Check your area parks and recreation website. Various parks hold free concerts and family oriented activities over the summer months. Some even host a free film festival. Washington, DC have one every year down on the National Mall. Take your picnic blanket, bring the kids and soak up the fresh air.
- Public library: The library is an awesome opportunity to let kids explore the world while standing still. Best of all, the public libraries are FREE! Most libraries have kid-friendly activities that provide an opportunity for children to socialize and meet new people. Check your county website for local library information.
At the end of the day, after ‘work’ has ended, the car is parked in the driveway, all tasks have been completed and the kids are all tucked in safe and sound, what matters most? Take a moment to reflect. Did you ‘break’ to spend time or call your loved ones? Do they KNOW that you love them? Did you give of YOURSELF to them? Spending quality time with ourselves and others is and should be the spice of life. Break for love!