Letter from the editor

The root of most problems that exist in the world today can be summed up in one short sentence; a failure or inability of people to effectively communicate.
How we say what we say, whether through body language or the spoken word affects our ability to make meaningful progress in the world. This is a particularly tough subject in the new digital age where one’s life can be summed up in a mere one-hundred forty characters or less. Our communication with one another has been reduced to texting and posts via social media and yet despite the popularity of this modern way of communicating, our ability to connect, one human being to another, appears to be suffering with each advancement.
Communication is having the ability to share a thought or idea; one person to another, and have that person understand completely what it is you are trying to say. Effective communication requires not only the ability to share a thought, but to also listen.
As chief editor of this magazine, my first and foremost responsibility to you the reader is to effectively communicate the concept of good living. Each month, I, along with my dedicated editors, share our knowledge and ideas on how you can best achieve that goal.
And although the name recipes for good living immediately suggest in the minds of most people that we are a food magazine, the truth is recipes in the context of what we wish to communicate is in a truer sense, a formula for achieving a lifestyle that is good. We do this not only by sharing what to eat, but also how to care for your mind, body and spirit as well. After all, human beings are more than just what we eat!
Issue after issue, over the past, what will be three years next month, we have shared our ideas, but we have also made an effort to listen. We have listened to you when you shared that it would be helpful to have not only menus each month as a way of guiding you to eat healthier meals, but you also asked for instructions on how to prepare those meals. Please know that we are working on bringing that request to fruition.
There are other wonderful additions to the magazine on the horizon and as we work to improve what we think is a pretty good product, we would also love to hear your ideas about how we can take our mission to the next level.
Communication is our greatest asset—listening is our most formidable resource! You spoke, we listened! We want to hear more!
How good is that...