Good Books
Designed by God: So I Must be Special

Many years ago I came across what I thought was one of the most inspiring books for children who might be questioning their value to the world. As an African-American mother I was especially drawn to the book because of the specific illustration references to those children who are of African-American descent.
Although the images are those of African-American children, the message is universal. Growing up in a society that is so focused on perfection, Designed by God, is a great way to help children turn their attention to all of the wonderful qualities that are unique and special to them as members of the human race.
This book is also a great bedtime story for children. Spend time reading a section each night and follow up with discussion that is specific to that special young person in your life. And during the discussion, be sure to listen intently to what he or she has to say. Very often you will gain an insight into how they view themselves and the world.
Designed by God: So I Must Be Special...a very good book indeed!