Letter from the editor
A Time to Replenish

I am always sad when the summer ends as it begins the period when one of the things that I love most, is put on seasonal pause. Fall means I must put away the garden tools and prepare for shorter days and cooler evenings; all of which are opposite of my nature which thrives on long days and early mornings spent puttering around in my garden. Yes, this time of the year will find me going through withdrawal in dread of the dark, dreary winter months that are just around the corner.
The funny thing, though, very much like my garden, there is a reward in putting things on pause every now and then in order that I might regroup and replenish for the seasons that lie ahead. It is important to take the time to assess the growth in my life and analyze what stays and what needs to be reworked or removed in order to get the most out of my life’s experiences. But just as important as removing or reworking, is the act of replenishing of all that has been used up while rushing through days of endless activity.
When I take the time to replenish, I allow myself the opportunity to gain a clearer perspective on the treasures that might otherwise be lost, simply because I am moving too fast to recognize them. I am inclined to sit still and savor that cup of tea and spend time catching up with the people who bring texture and value into my life.
I had the opportunity to spend an afternoon recently with a friend taking tea. We spent two hours catching up on what had happened since the last time we were together. At the end of our time what stayed with me most was not so much the food, but rather the fellowship and care which I realized was something that my spirit was very much in need of. I was reminded that despite all of the interesting things I get to do on a daily basis, it is not those things that make me who I am, but rather the touching of people who stop in once in a while to let me know they care.
We all need to have our vessels poured into and replenished every once in a while. And it is the wise woman or man who makes it a priority to see that it gets done. Replenishing is not about creating a production, but rather it is about nurturing a lifestyle.
So what do you say? Give into that desire to play hooky from the hustle and bustle, if only for a moment, and just watch how much more you have to give. The choice is yours, there is nothing standing in your way except a commitment to begin to live.