You Are What You Eat
Shelley Tidmore, contributing editor
For one person, the choice to stop eating acid food may be because of the number on the scale keeps ticking up while an aging metabolism cannot keep up. For another, the choice may be because of feeling bogged down with chronic bouts of fatigue and generally feeling half- awake followed by a food coma after a heavy meal. Another may be prescribed juicing by a doctor after a diagnosis of a ticking time bomb—cancer. Cancer is sadly one of the primary means of introduction to juicing.

Making a choice before chronic illness strikes to juice is your best bet to beat the odds of falling victim to one of many chronic ailments that strike, though it should be said that although many forms of cancer are non-discriminating in their attack, by juicing you lower your risk and increase your vitality substantially.
Why choose juicing? Cold-compressed organic juicing removes the pulp from produce leaving behind the hydrating nourishing nutrition which is assimilated straight into your body’s molecular structure without burdening your body’s energy stores with the task of breaking down fiber. Instead nutrition puts on it’s hard hat and goes straight to work on areas in need of healing and allows your body rest from its own hard work usually spent just on digestion.
NASA recently created a super food berry blend of cold compressed juice called AS10 Juice which studies show to decreases aging effects on astronauts by reversal of aging effects of radiation.
According to AmeriSciences, “AS10 is a unique blend of 10 key fruits and vegetables that truly tastes great. Featuring the next generation of Super Fruit from the Brazilian rainforest, Cupuaçu, as well as the proven marketable and beneficial Açai, Acerola, Prickly Pear and Yum Berry, AS10 takes these, the best of the Super Fruits, and combines them with the five top natural ingredients from our joint research with NASA/JSC.”
Further, AmeriSciences goes on to share NASA’s super food juicing secret blend with the world, available to the public in the UK already. In AS10 juice, one will enjoy the benefits of tropical Superfruit Blend: cupuaçu (fruit), prickly pear (fruit), açai complex (açai fruit, açai fruit extract), acerola complex (acerola fruit extract, acerola fruit puree), bayberry (fruit), and Green Tea (leaf). Wild Berry Extracts include: blueberry complex (blueberry concentrate, blueberry fruit), raspberry (seed), cranberry (fruit), prune, cherry (fruit), strawberry (fruit), Pomegranate Concentrate (fruit) Vegetable Extracts: broccoli complex (broccoli sprout, broccoli sprout extract), tomato (fruit), carrot (root), spinach (leaf), kale (leaf), Grape Extract (seed).
Not surprising to the juicing community as there are many blends of produce, herbs, and fruits with the same effects on our aging process. This is one reason oncology doctors prescribe juicing for those in their care undergoing radiation as treatment.
Juicing remedies ailments of all types such as fatigue, achne, skin aging, insomnia, cognitive functioning, high cholesterol, weight gain/loss, oral health, PH imbalance, vision problems, Type 2 Diabetes, and much more.
For some the choice is clear to juice. For others, the choice may be to continue as is until something undesirable happens to otherwise good health. For another set, juicing may become a requirement to stay as healthy as possible through a struggle with a threatening disease. My recommendation is to stay a few steps ahead and lower risk for ailment. Enjoy life now at your fullest potential.
Do you need a juicer? Not necessarily. I am enjoying a fresh pressed organic juice blend of lemon, cayenne, and agave nectar I picked up a market this weekend. It’s my fast food breakfast, delicious, and cleansing. My next meal may be a salad, followed by another juice. A day like this is considered partial juicing. I spent three days last week undergoing a juice cleanse. Every week I spend one day juicing or partial juicing which has optimized my health tenfold. I’ll undergo another 3 juice cleanse program in another two weeks. This month’s recipe gives you more nutrients than found in 7 servings of vegetables in one day, a shot of A and B vitamins with a cleansing digestion catalyzing zing of ginger:
- 2 to 3 Organic Kale Leaves (include stem)
- 1 in slice of Organic Fresh Ginger
- 1 Organic Golden Pear (sliced/chopped)
- ½ Organic Granny Smith Apple (chopped)
- 1 tsp powdered Spirulina
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