Good Books
Choices of the Heart (and Soul)
Ivy F. DeShield, contributing editor
True friendship and love is predicated upon an irreparable bond between two hearts and the boundless freedom of their unified souls. The heart and soul, in a state of sincere affection for and connection to another, exist within an infinite space where possibility and choice are limitless. To enter, one must resolve to begin a new season in life, relinquishing the sensible ordinary for a sacred retreat into pure, brazen imagination and wonder. In this place, the common individual is elevated to sovereignty, ruler of their own fate — simply free to love and be without judgment or regret.

In Katherine Paterson’s award-winning children’s novel, Bridge to Terabithia, two young people, both natural-born outsiders, find themselves drawn to each other in a small, rural town that has been left untouched by war or progress. A fresh face in Mrs. Myer’s fifth-grade class at Lark Creek Elementary, Leslie Burke doesn’t win any new friends, especially from the fifth-grade boys, when she takes the title of the fastest kid in the fifth grade on the first day of school. Paterson’s ten-year old protagonist, Jess Aarons, and one of the disgruntled fifth-grade runners, is completely caught off guard by Leslie, a smart and spunky city girl who prefers faded cutoffs and blue undershirts over dresses and knee socks and racing heats with the lower-grade boys at recess instead of joining the other girls for hopscotch and jump rope. Yet, unaware that she isn’t playing by the rules, Leslie’s irresistibly open nature eventually wins the friendship and admiration of Jess, a thoughtful, sensitive introvert who lives to run and draws the way some people drink whiskey.
In one swift, unguarded moment, Jess makes a decision that reshapes his world forever when he chooses to open his eyes to a new way of being and an unexpected friendship. In doing so, he crosses the bridge into Terabithia, a secret, magical world — a permanent where the dogwood and redbud played hide and seek between the oaks and evergreens, and the sun flung itself in golden streams through the trees to splash warmly at their feet — with Leslie. Here, deep in their private retreat among the pines, Jess and Leslie proclaim themselves rulers of the kingdom of Terabithia, creating a world where they are the protectors of all things sacred and as they believe, utterly safe from the harm of bullies, mockers and the unimaginative. For a time, they live exclusively for their moments spent together in Terabithia, until imaginary giants become surprisingly real, and a senseless tragedy forces Jess to brave his newly found freedom and courage alone outside the walls of their beloved Terabithia. And once departed, will he ever choose to return?
Originally published in 1977, Paterson’s work is a masterful portrait of the power of friendship, love and the imagination. She writes from both her heart and soul, as she explores the beautifully private relationship between Jess and Leslie and their elopement to Terabithia. Many of us, at some time or another, will find our own Terabithia — we will begin a new season, a new life and be forever changed. The choice is ours. Enjoy the read!